It's a poet tree! Get it, poetry?
Mal Hawke
Race Human

Gender N/A (they/them)

Class Warrior

Title Champion of Kirkwall

Specialization Reaver

Family Bethany Hawke (sister)
Carver Hawke (brother)
Charade Hartling (cousin)
Malcolm Hawke (father)
Leandra Hawke (mother)
Gamlen Amell (uncle)
Seven "Sev" Amell (second cousin)

Appearances Dragon Age II
Dragon Age: Inquisition

Malcolm "Mal" Hawke II is a human warrior and the protagonist of Dragon Age II in their specific world state.

Originally one of many Blight refugees fleeing Ferelden, Mal became more well-known within Kirkwall after defeating the Arishok in ritual combat and being named the city's Champion. Their notoriety spread to the greater area of southern Thedas after they defended the city's mages and apostates during the Gallows Uprising, what would become one of the first battles of the Mage Rebellion.


Mal was the eldest child of Leandra Amell and Malcolm Hawke, born without magic in 9:06 Dragon outside the port city of Amaranthine. In Mal's early teens, Bethany Hawke's magic manifested itself, and the family moved south to avoid detection by templars, eventually settling outside the village of Lothering. Mal and their younger brother Carver Hawke grew up working a large farmhold with other hired and itinerant hands, though eventually the Hawkes were able to raise subsistence crops and a few animals on a patch of their own land. Bethany was often kept home out of fear of discovery, where her father trained her in magic and herbalism. While she and her twin Carver were always close, she and Mal saw little of each other during her childhood, and even less after their father died, as Mal became the chief breadwinner and protector for the family.

Leandra was always closest with her twins. She loved her eldest child, but as they grew older, she often deferred to their father, whose bond of mutual understanding with them dictated much, if not the entirety, of how they lived their life. His death dealt a major fracture to the family he left behind. Leandra did not understand Mal the way their father had, and Bethany never really knew them except as a distant guardian. Only Carver, who had grown up working and training in combat alongside them, preserved some of the family's peace by simply being present and himself.

In 9:30 Dragon Carver joined King Cailan's army and went south to Ostagar. Mal followed at their mother's request, though they feared templars might hurt Bethany in their absence.


Dragon Age II

Prologue: Escape from Lothering

After the field at Ostagar was overrun, Mal forced Carver to desert, and the two fled home to Lothering to evacuate the rest of their family from the Blight. By unhappy coincidence the Hawkes found themselves unable to escape north and took a treacherous road through the Blighted southern half of Ferelden accompanied by Aveline Vallen, a fellow deserter, and Ser Wesley, a templar and Aveline's husband. Both Wesley and Carver died on the journey; the templar to Blight-sickness and Carver at the hands of an ogre. Mal blamed themselves for Carver's death for the rest of their life. It shattered the remaining family and in some ways they were unable to ever fully recover. Thanks to a mysterious bargain with the Witch of the Wilds, otherwise known as Flemeth, the group was able to make it to Gwaren, where they sailed north to Kirkwall to live with Leandra's relatives.

Landed in Kirkwall, Mal and Bethany joined Athenril's band of smugglers to buy their way into the city, thanks to a deal brokered by their uncle Gamlen Amell, who had long been living in substantially reduced conditions after his parents died. Bethany's magical prowess and Mal's skills in combat earned them a reputation within Kirkwall's underworld. Mal attempted with varying success to shield their sister from curious eyes, as an apostate within a city notorious for its templar presence.


A year later, Mal and Bethany ease out of smuggling work after Bethany's growing reputation threatens to expose her as a free apostate. Perhaps worried by their mother's disillusionment with living in Lowtown, Bethany suggests finding a way into Bartrand Tethras' Deep Roads expedition; success could earn them a home of their own in a different part of the city, but the two fail to persuade Bartrand to hire them. Varric Tethras, Bartrand's charming younger brother, is keen to contract the two and offers them a way into the expedition as funding partners rather than guards. Mal is suspicious of Varric's motives but accepts they have very few choices.

The Way It Should Be

Mal feels some kinship with Aveline because of their joint escape from the Blight and agrees to aid her investigation, though they dislike Aveline's surveillance of their life. After Guard Captain Jeven's corruption is revealed, Mal is apprehensive of Aveline's promotion given her sympathies toward the templar order and disrespect for their privacy. In the following months, their kinship with her as a fellow Fereldan erodes in the face of her attitudes toward magic and people she does not understand or approve of.


After some investigation, Bethany uncovers the truth of what happened to the Amell estate and asks her sibling to help her. While Mal is somewhat sympathetic to their uncle and privately considers Leandra's noble past nightmarish, they agree to the plan as a means to destroy the slaver ring using the estate as a base, while Bethany hopes to also bring some peace of mind to their mother. Gamlen interprets Mal's silence as disapproval in the ensuing discussion of the will.


Mal feels disgusted asking a Grey Warden for maps of the Deep Roads on Bartrand's behalf; they view the Wardens as great heroes who saved Ferelden from the Blight. Varric persuades them to prevent other hirelings' deaths by acquiring the maps. After learning the Grey Warden is a mage, Mal worries they might bring trouble on Bethany's head by involving themselves, and refuses the maps. Later Bethany persuades them to reconsider, since the templars will find them sooner or later. Both are heartbroken and disturbed by Karl Thekla's Tranquility, having been warned about the ritual by their father, and support Karl's plea for Anders to kill him.

Despite their initial shock at the reveal of Justice, Mal visits Anders periodically with clean laundry and supplies; they see some of their father in him as an apostate who fled the Circle. Bethany mixes potions for his clinic, since she is still apprehensive about working magic too openly, even in Darktown. Anders is impressed by Mal's acceptance of Justice and the following small kindnesses, and offers to accompany them on other jobs.

Fools Rush In

To the surprise of both Varric and Bethany, Mal immediately agrees to help Isabela without any skepticism; they deeply admire her friendliness and charisma. Hayder and Castillon's treatment of Isabela sits badly with Mal, and the revelation that she freed the prisoners from Hayder's ship confirms Mal's belief in her trustworthiness and integrity. They promise to help her find the missing relic if she asks.

Though Mal dislikes the atmosphere of the Hanged Man and large groups in general, they begin to meet Isabela semi-regularly there as Bethany's friend. Isabela's easygoing, irreverent personality is one of her qualities they admire most, though they feel socially inept and incapable of providing interesting conversation, and mostly lurk at Bethany's side to listen.

Bait and Switch

Mal is deeply suspicious of Anso's deal, but feels capable of weathering a potential knife in the back with Isabela and Varric, who are old hands at schemes and skulduggery. When Fenris explains the true nature of the situation, Mal is frightened of Danarius' wrath, thinking of their family and the dangers of crossing a powerful lord. However, they agree to help since Fenris is completely alone. Fenris' respect for Bethany's skills and generosity, despite his wariness of her magic, earns him both siblings' respect. They invite him to work with them, since it appears he is staying in Kirkwall for the time being.

Fenris and Mal strike up a slow-moving friendship largely by accident. Both are apprehensive, often overly serious, feeling like outsiders in their own lives. As they prove themselves to one another in the field, they begin training together outside of work, and find they enjoy each other's company. Isabela is a mutual friend of theirs, and they'll often see one another at the Hanged Man, and walk to the Hightown stair after the night is ended. Mal admires Fenris' thoughtful insights, wit, and gravity, and Fenris in turn finds Mal's fierce loyalty and ability to keep all manner of confidences refreshing.


sebastian's quest.

Long Way Home

Mal and Bethany decide they had better uphold the witch's bargain after a year and a half, and meet with the Sabrae clan outside Sundermount to deliver the amulet to Keeper Marethari. Mal is secretly curious to see Dalish magic; their father was partly elven and used to tell stories of Arlathan when Mal was very young. They assume the colder welcome is due to their and Bethany being human, and feel sympathetic toward Merrill when her clanmates are hostile to her, and after Bethany explains to them that Merrill's departure has caused some tension around the group. They enjoy Merrill's explanations of magic and history and are touched by her friendliness to them after a mutually awkward first introduction.

Her use of blood magic doesn't faze the siblings for different reasons. Bethany learned about blood magic from her father, who did not practice it, but saw its value, and her opinion is colored by his. Mal views all magic as equally strange and useful and doesn't comprehend stigmas around certain types. Bethany assumes Merrill's blood magic is the source of the rift between her and her clan, but doesn't pry. In the fateful encounter, Mal's initial fear of Flemeth dissipates permanently when Flemeth is rude to Isabela; they don't fully understand what she is, but they dislike her condescension.

In Kirkwall, Mal promises to visit Merrill and gravely informs her they are neighbors, since they live just around the corner in Lowtown. During the first year they know each other, Merrill sometimes visits the market in the morning with Bethany and Mal, and explores Lowtown outside the alienage together with the Hawkes. In the evening she has dinner with them, with Arianni after some time has passed; and then with Isabela, as the two become friends.

Blackpowder Promise

How does mal even get into this one again a;sfdk

Enemies Among Us

Mal refuses to investigate templar business until Macha begs him for the sake of her brother. Thinking of Carver, Mal agrees, but asks Bethany to not come along; they think the whole business may be some sort of trap. However, it's thanks to Bethany insisting she go along that Mal is able to escape Idunna's magic. They warn her to run from Kirkwall while she can, since the templars very likely have her name by now; whether she takes their advice or not is unknown after she vanishes from the Blooming Rose. The fight with Tarohne saddens Mal, though they are relieved to find Keran unharmed, after Merrill checks him via blood magic. Mal will not vouch for anyone to become a templar, believing it to be a vile waste of people's lives. Without their argument in his defense, Keran is expelled.

Wayward Son

Mal readily agrees to help Arianni, believing Ser Thrask's kindness is a veneer that will vanish if Feynriel doesn't go to the Gallows. Feynriel is afraid of the group at first, but Merrill and Bethany both show him they are apostates, and encourage him to seek out the Dalish instead of joining the Circle. Bethany encourages Feynriel to write anytime, and promises she'll remember him.

Shepherding Wolves

Mal is immediately on their guard with Sister Petrice, distrusting her motives and disturbed that she named Ketojan to begin with. However, they believe Ketojan will be safer away from the Chantry, and reluctantly agree to escort him out of the city. The sheer number of sellswords and Darktown mercenaries in their way leads them to suspect Petrice intends for Ketojan and themselves to die on the job. They are blindsided by the group of Qunari warriors that appear at the other end.

dont remember how this one ends

Act of Mercy

Mal is leery of Ser Thrask's request, partly due to his perception of them as an associate of apostates, partly due to their lack of social skills and fear that they cannot help the Starkhaven mages escape the Circle. Nonetheless they accept as they believe it's the right thing to stand between these mages and the templars pursuing them. They're unfazed by Alain's warnings or the reality of Decimus' blood magic, though the necromantic elements make them uneasy. While Grace's proposal to kill Thrask seems reasonable to them, they believe that it will accomplish little and bring more trouble on the mages' heads, and tell Grace they'll lie to him. Grace is rightfully unconvinced of this. However, upon returning to Thrask, Ser Karras has arrived to slaughter the mages, uniting Thrask and Mal against a common enemy. The group kills Karras and the two agree to keep it between them.

The Deep Roads Expedition

Despite the year of planning, Mal dislikes the idea of the expedition, as they are mortally terrified of the Blight and darkspawn and do not want to lead Bethany back into it. Bethany argues with them about the necessity of the expedition, and the two leave for the Roads in the morning together with Varric and Anders. The Roads themselves do not bother Mal, they find much of the old architecture interesting, though Bartrand's attitude grates on them from day one and Anders' unease does not settle their anxiety. Bartrand's betrayal comes as a surprise to Mal only because of Varric's being caught in the crossfire. Bethany becoming Blighted is a living nightmare for Mal, and everything they feared come true. They beg Anders for any solution that might save her life, and disregard any hope of finding the surface in favor of finding the Wardens first. Stroud's warning terrifies Mal, but there is nothing they can do but trust the Wardens with their sister. The journey back to Kirkwall is one of the worst weeks of Mal's life.


After losing Bethany Mal becomes intensely depressed and withdraws from everyone they know, especially Varric and Anders. A year passes until anyone sees them again; by then Leandra has moved to Hightown, and every last of Mal's routines they live within is uprooted completely. Bethany's loss severs Leandra and Mal further from one another, though with Bodahn Feddic and Sandal Feddic living there too, the estate is bearable, and Mal comes to consider the two extended family. Merrill reaches out to Mal first because she remembers enduring the double loss of Tamlen and Mahariel, and asks them to fix her door, and see her garden. Both Isabela and Fenris reach out as well more tentatively, but Mal doesn't respond until another year has passed, and is surprised and moved at both of them wanting to see them again. From this point forward they become more aggressive in combat, and begin to take more personal risks.


Mal remembered Sebastian's compassionate nature and in particular, his genteel behavior to Bethany; when Sebastian asks for their help they go right away. Mal's integrity blah blah blah seb becomes one of the gang

Night Terrors


Blackpowder Courtesy

A Bitter Pill

Dragon Age: Inquisition

If Alistair remains a Grey Warden:
Caption - not too lengthy

Alia definiebas dissentiunt mea ad, dicunt iudicabit disputationi ex eam. Pri blandit laboramus id, aperiam apeirian et sea. Liber persecuti te pri. Ne est gloriatur scribentur. Pro ut cibo saperet. Quod eloquentiam qui at.

Dragon Age II

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Autem atqui epicurei te has, ex omnes tantas expetendis eum. Stet porro velit his ei. Mel porro nonumes no, atqui verear ad quo. Pri ei nusquam platonem perpetua, ad rebum sadipscing disputationi eam. Partem qualisque est et, mel ex omnes deserunt mnesarchum.

Approval icons: +1 -3 +10 -15 Greatly Approves


Sea cu nihil altera splendide, te tota qualisque pri, te per dicant reprimique. Ex brute intellegebat nam, cum iusto tempor legendos no. Stet simul per et. Id has rebum omnes animal.

Lightbox gallery for images


Has ea eius meliore laboramus, his lorem labores et. Eu eum mutat quidam, cu vix vero populo postea. Sit elit minim recteque ex, ad nusquam epicuri sadipscing cum, vim oratio putant maiorum cu. Et summo quaestio consectetuer usu, ut tempor honestatis necessitatibus his. Usu recusabo evertitur an, ut sea nonumy periculis posidonium, illum dicam omnesque mel id. Mea diam suscipit an, ne sumo autem quo, duo eu invidunt iudicabit deterruisset.

DAO-style quest DA2-style quest DAI-style quest Codex entry: DAO-style Codex entry: DA2-style Codex entry: DAI-style


Justo saperet has ei, ei novum labitur quaerendum quo, et mel eros luptatum. Nam id percipit pertinacia, an legimus oportere definiebas mei. Electram pertinacia ut nec, verear delectus vis an, cu impedit perfecto forensibus nec. Et iudico voluptatibus vis.

Name Notes Description

Something Location: Somewhere or other idk it's a gift what do you want from me? What quality-level of filler text do you honestly expect
Maybe a book Location: A... bookstore? Books are for nerds.

Initial Statistics

Justo saperet has ei, ei novum labitur quaerendum quo, et mel eros luptatum. Nam id percipit pertinacia, an legimus oportere definiebas mei. Electram pertinacia ut nec, verear delectus vis an, cu impedit perfecto forensibus nec. Et iudico voluptatibus vis.





Ability trees Selected abilities
Archery Rapid ShotPinning Shot


Weapons Bow
Armor Leather Armor


  • Unstyled list item
  • His etiam primis tractatos an, probo audire aliquid id nec.
  • Pri dolorum ponderum contentiones ex. Ius ei mutat omnium phaedrum. Ea cibo erat porro his.
    • And nesting!
    • Do you even nest, bro?
  • Justo saperet has ei, ei novum labitur quaerendum quo, et mel eros luptatum.


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