




Iron Bull







It's a poet tree! Get it, poetry?
Kit of the River
Race Elven

Gender Up to interpretation

Class Warrior

Titles Caoilte First-Thaw
Herald of the Second Inquisition

Specialization Spirit Warrior

Family Dearbháil (mother)
Lowenna (stepmother)
Enys (hahren)
Thenerassan (travelling keeper)

Appearances Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Trespasser

Caoilte Haminan, or Kit of the River, was the former Fade-touched figurehead of the Second Inquisition, colloquially referred to as the Inquisitor or the Herald (whether the herald of Andraste, or of the Inquisition depended upon the speaker) in his particular world state. He was originally a Free Marcher mercenary who worked in and around the Orlesian Grand Game and the merchant princes of Antiva, keeping company with Vashoth mercenaries, Lords of Fortune, Orlesian bards, and apostates of many origins. After the dissolution of the Second Inquisition and his disappearance from the public eye he eventually traveled to Antiva City where he presumably is still living.


Caoilte was born in the city of Tantervale to an elven mother and the human son of a well-to-do Marcher house. His father was interested in the novelty of having his own family, but when his devout father threatened to disown him, he abandoned his lover and child for fear of being cut out of his inheritance. Caoilte's mother, Dearbháil, fled down the river with her child into the Green Dales, hoping to find a safer place to live. Not far from the banks of the Minanter, she found herself in the elven community of Haminan; spanning farmholds, homes, and fisher-folk.

Though Haminan is guided primarily by their local hahren, they enjoy visits from occasional Dalish hunters to exchange goods or share news, and a travelling keeper comes with the changing seasons to teach Haminan's children about the Creators and their heritage. It was here Dearbháil met and married her wife Lowenna. Caoilte grew up in the home of Wenna's family and learned the family's trades of fishing and subsistence farming.

Dearbháil made no secret of her child's parentage, wanting to dispel any mystique about the true nature of his father's character. Despite her and her wife's nurture and care, Caoilte struggled to find his place in the social life of Haminan and spent most of his days trailing after the butcher's daughter or the travelling keeper, asking for stories of the open road. At eighteen, he ran away from home, and would not return to his mothers for thirteen years.

His first job was a hireling sword on a merchant caravan to Hercinia; from there he spent years in the webs of Antivan merchant princes and the Great Game of Orlais, fighting chevaliers and templars, befriending bards, mercenaries, and other adventurers, falling in and out of ill-advised love affairs, and eventually angering one too many of the rich and powerful. During these years he called himself Kit of the River, intending for no connection to be made between himself and his family. After a particularly brutal loss of a friend to a noble's machinations in Rialto, Kit returned home. Many of those in Haminan did not recognize him, but his mothers were relieved to see him alive. Shortly afterward, the Kirkwall Gallows rebelled, and the Circles began to fall.

In his younger years Kit had been helped before by some within the Mage Collective; now they asked for his help in kind. He called on old, trustworthy friends and the band battled squads of templars to bring fleeing Marcher mages safely across the Waking Sea to Ferelden. Anticipating the Chantry's retaliation, Kit left his friends at Jader and accompanied his charges alone to attend the Conclave, where by sheer happenstance he would intervene in the doom of Thedas.


Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Wrath of Heaven

Dragon Age: Awakening

If Alistair remains a Grey Warden:
Caption - not too lengthy

Alia definiebas dissentiunt mea ad, dicunt iudicabit disputationi ex eam. Pri blandit laboramus id, aperiam apeirian et sea. Liber persecuti te pri. Ne est gloriatur scribentur. Pro ut cibo saperet. Quod eloquentiam qui at.

Dragon Age II

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Kit approves of generosity, friendliness, and helping for helping's sake. He approves of open support of elvish religion and other non-Andrastian religions or spiritual practices, and of magic and its practitioners. He views most human authorities as corrupt and approves of deception, irreverence or outright defiance of Chantry figures, Orlesian military or nobility. He enjoys flirting and joking. He is a pessimistic person and approves of practicality and craftiness, especially in response to a serious threat. He loathes the Chantry and the templars and will disapprove if being lectured on the Maker or Andrastian values; conversely, he approves of the Chantry being questioned or criticized. He is vocally an enemy of slavers and jailers, and by extension any organization that uses these systems.

Approval icons: +1 -3 +10 -15 Greatly Approves


Kit is polyamorous. He is drawn to people who respect this aspect of his life.

Iron Bull

Kit and Iron Bull meet each other shortly after Kit returns from Val Royeaux and strike up a mellow professional friendship that gradually gains substance over the years. They sleep together in a no-strings arrangement off and on up until Corypheus' defeat. Afterward, the Chargers begin taking outside work and the two remain in increasingly distant contact, meeting as the Chargers' work allows; content for their friendship to continue without sex, equally so if sex is put back on the table.


Kit is fondly enamored of the Lady de Fer, and gradually earns her trust and affection to become one of her personal friends, exchanging lighthearted fliration with her throughout the years they work together in the Inquisition. After Bastien's death, Kit is one of the friends Vivienne grows closer to. In the years that follow Trespasser, Vivienne treats Kit as a sort of courtly lover-- trading gifts and letters, carrying old-fashioned favors. The two remain loving friends long after their lives pull them apart.


To the collective surprise of the fledgling Inner Circle, Josephine and Kit become friends in Haven and only grow closer as the months pass. Josephine refuses to let her personal feelings complicate their professional roles, but after the House of Repose's contract is dealt with, she and Kit find themselves in a slightly uneasy love affair within their increasingly vital friendship. The matter is brought to a head by Josephine's engagement to Otranto and the relationship, for all its political risks, proves steady in the increasingly desperate pursuit of Corypheus and the mounting chaos that follows his death. After the Council dissolves the Inquisition, Kit returns to Haminan for physical recovery, unsure of his place in Josephine's life. The following winter, he and Josephine reunite in Antiva City, where they are married five years later.

Lightbox gallery for images


Has ea eius meliore laboramus, his lorem labores et. Eu eum mutat quidam, cu vix vero populo postea. Sit elit minim recteque ex, ad nusquam epicuri sadipscing cum, vim oratio putant maiorum cu. Et summo quaestio consectetuer usu, ut tempor honestatis necessitatibus his. Usu recusabo evertitur an, ut sea nonumy periculis posidonium, illum dicam omnesque mel id. Mea diam suscipit an, ne sumo autem quo, duo eu invidunt iudicabit deterruisset.

DAO-style quest DA2-style quest DAI-style quest Codex entry: DAO-style Codex entry: DA2-style Codex entry: DAI-style


Justo saperet has ei, ei novum labitur quaerendum quo, et mel eros luptatum. Nam id percipit pertinacia, an legimus oportere definiebas mei. Electram pertinacia ut nec, verear delectus vis an, cu impedit perfecto forensibus nec. Et iudico voluptatibus vis.

Name Notes Description

Something Location: Somewhere or other idk it's a gift what do you want from me? What quality-level of filler text do you honestly expect
Maybe a book Location: A... bookstore? Books are for nerds.

Initial Statistics

Justo saperet has ei, ei novum labitur quaerendum quo, et mel eros luptatum. Nam id percipit pertinacia, an legimus oportere definiebas mei. Electram pertinacia ut nec, verear delectus vis an, cu impedit perfecto forensibus nec. Et iudico voluptatibus vis.



Kit begins the game as a ranged rogue, having brought a longbow to shoot templars down from a distance, but after acquiring the mark and unwillingly joining the Inquisition, he fights as a Spirit Warrior instead.



Kit is an off-tank; he's best utilized as a DPS unit, but can be built into a true tank. He prefers to be on the front lines of a fight, and he often prefers to fight dirty, prioritizing victory over honor.

Ability trees Selected abilities
Archery Rapid ShotPinning Shot


Weapons Bow
Armor Leather Armor


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  • Pri dolorum ponderum contentiones ex. Ius ei mutat omnium phaedrum. Ea cibo erat porro his.
    • And nesting!
    • Do you even nest, bro?
  • Justo saperet has ei, ei novum labitur quaerendum quo, et mel eros luptatum.


Ex mea agam esse, menandri inimicus corrumpit usu ei. Cu decore postea reprehendunt mea. Vero harum eu pri. Ne ius posse lorem, mei erat dolores scaevola at. Nobis apeirian no vix. In quis adipiscing persequeris usu, no eam soluta eligendi.